on Monday, 7 May 2012
Today I am going to tell you how to add your favorite application/software to right click in your windows.
So that you can quick access to your frequently used software.

For editing context menu you have to follow few steps which are given below.

First of all open registry editor. By typing regedit in run window.
Then go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background \ shell .
Now right click on shell key and create new key under shell key.And name that key which you want that name gonna to be display in right click.(For Ex.--> VLC,Google Chrome etc.)
Now under that key create new key named command .See below.  

Now in that command key in right hand side panel there is default string.
Now copy full path of your favorite application.(Ex-->"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe")
And then double clicked on default then paste that full path.

That's it.
Now right click any where you can find your application.
Final view like this.

You can add as many application you want.
I hope you enjoyed this thing.......................

on Saturday, 5 May 2012
Ok,So now, Today I am going to tell you hoe to hide any type of data behind Image so that no one can know
what is in image.

Technique to hide data in image is called steganography.
Here is the step to do steganography without using any software.

First of all select on file which you want to hide.
Then put that file into one archive file because when you use cmd to do steganography archive file is working well with it.

Now choose image file behind which you want to hide data.

Now open Command Prompt(CMD) then do as follow.

For Ex. : I have an image old.jpg  behind which i want to hide data and a file private.txt which i want to hide.
now I  put private.txt into private.rar .

I run this command-->  copy /B old.jpg + private.rar new.jpg
It will create new.jpg file behind that my private.rar file lie.
Now to see private.rar file just rename new.jpg to new.rar and then doubled click.

Here is the snapshot.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a nice day.................................................

on Friday, 4 May 2012
We all know what is temp files in windows but for those who don't know what is temporary files in windows
here is the brief info.

Windows temporary files are usually left over from previous installation or documents once needed by windows to run certain task.These files can grow large if we don't remove them in short time period.

 For example if we don't remove temporary files within 10-20 days it will grow round about 400MB - 500MB.
It is based on your time of using Pc/laptop.
So, keep habit of removing temporary files in short period of time.

Here is the trick to remove temporary file using some lines of code.

First of all create one text file then copy/paste following code.

del /q /s  "c:\winnt\temp\*.*"
del /q /s  "c:\windows\temp\*.*"
del /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\*.*"
del /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"
del /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Cookies\*.*"

Rmdir /q /s  "c:\winnt\Temp"
Rmdir /q /s  "c:\windows\Temp"
Rmdir /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp"
Rmdir /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
Rmdir /q /s  "%USERPROFILE%\Cookies\*.*"

md  "c:\winnt\Temp"
md  "c:\windows\temp"
md  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp"
md  "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
md  "%USERPROFILE%\Cookies"

Now save this file as a .bat extension.
That's it.

Now whenever you want to delete temporary files just run above file.


In code first five lines remove all file from particular folder.
Second five lines remove particular directory.
Last five lines create directories that were earlier removed.

If you have any problem then comment it.
Have a nice day..................